Thursday, October 28, 2010

Who am I kidding?

Today sucked. . .well, is still sucking, but thus far has sucked.

First of all, too much clonazepam, so I've been tired the whole day, but still stressed. Um. . .no fair. Secondly, one of the colleges I applied to for transfer decided to cut my financial aid. Also, I learned that someone with whom I went to high school got into a college that I wanted to get into (but, of course, did not). And, to be honest, I was way more qualified than he was.

But, to be fair, it might not be that exact college because there are a few colleges with a similar name. I guess Facebook stalking isn't the most precise source of my day's anger.

My day was also ruined by the fact that I know I have an essay due at 5 tomorrow, and I have yet to start. . .I think they call that procrastinating.

Also, there is a nice green awning several stories below my window that looks warm and inviting. . .maybe if I jump towards it, things will get better for me.

The good news of the day is that my appetite seems to be dwindling. (I know this probably isn't the best news for most people, but for someone with a constant fear of overeating and getting fat, it's good news).

I don't mean to sound like such a shallow, bitching college student. I am just having a bad day. Everyone does.

So. . .to lighten the tone of this post, here is a YouTube video of Lorraine at the dentist . . .a true classic.


P.S. Daisy, hope the accent is coming along nicely.

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