Tuesday, October 26, 2010


As Violet has already explained the general purpose of this blog, I suppose I'll just supply a few disclaimers so as to minimize misinterpretations and offenses. Primarily, it should be understood that we apply the terms "horrible" and "unfortunate" to the description of our lives because, simply put and despite tremendous effort, we are not enjoying them. Whether that is the result of outside forces, of our own doing, or of some combination of the two is for you to decide (or not decide, if you'd rather) through following our blog, just as it has been up to you to decide the same for any other person who has vocalized a finding of his or her life to be disagreeable (at best). Opinions, though we hold the right to frequently and furiously oppose and/or attack them, cannot be wrong, and we'll do our best to remember that as long as you do too.

As far as an introduction goes. . .I am Daisy (for those of you who did not deduce that already). I am a freshman at a university in Minnesota. I like muted colors, good books, and, as can also be said for Violet, show tunes. Feel free to ask questions.


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