Saturday, November 6, 2010

But I am les tired. . .

Daisy, you may be so low (and don't for one second forget how low I am as well), but you're not riding so low.

Everyone else out there,

Sorry it's been a while. My schedule has been thrown off, but that's no excuse because when is one's schedule not thrown off for some reason or another. Who am I kidding?

I had a bad, lonely Halloween. But I've been better since then because of a guy. It's mostly in my head, but I think I'm getting somewhere with him. You know. . .I just want someone to love me. Is that too much to ask for? (don't answer that, please.) That has put my head up somewhat higher. Somewhere where I can see all the pain I am, but not quite feel it.

As I was explaining to Daisy earlier, I feel exhausted. . . but that doesn't really sum it all up. I feel drained, used up (but not in a good way. . .is there a good way?). I was always tired. For at least the last six years, if you were to ever ask me how I was, you would have gotten some form of the response "tired."

There are wrinkles on my forehead.
My feet are bleeding.
I am losing my appetite.
My back hurts.

I'm 18. Who is my body kidding? This isn't fair.

I apologize for the brief nature and skimpy substance of this post. The lethargy has moved to my mind, down to my fingers, and onto this blog.

Peace and Blessings, Peace and Blessings,


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